Articles and Resources on miniBunion and dynaBunion Systems​

Advanced miniBunion Technique Makes Incisions Nearly Invisible

Advanced miniBunion Technique Makes Incisions Nearly Invisible

With the miniBunion technique, incisions are two to four times smaller than a standard technique and involve less trauma to the soft tissues surrounding the toes. The incision is on the inner side of the foot, resulting in a scar that is virtually invisible.
Emerging Advances in Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery

Emerging Advances in Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery

Discussing miniBunion, Bob Baravarian, DPM, Santa Monica, CA, tells Podiatry Today, “Patients love the lack of scar tissue, the small incision, the lack of swelling and rapid healing. I also prefer the lack of post-operative care necessary in comparison to open...